
Use what you have learned to write a conclusion for the following topic Topic:The Benefits of Exercises Thesis statement:Regular exercise is beneficial since it can improve our body, make us happy as well as expand our social circle. Requirements: Your thesis restatement should have the same meaning with the thesis statement but expressed in different ways Your general closing remark should be confident, thought-provoking and memorable. Your conclusion shouldn’t include new information


梁与墙体交接处,梁侧模板伸入墙内或梁底模伸入墙内不小于( )mm

A. 500
B. 600
C. 700
D. 800

对于跨度6m的钢筋混凝土连续梁,当设计无规定时,其梁底木模板中部应采用的起拱高度合理的是( )

A. 5mm
B. 10mm
C. 25mm
D. 20mm

楼板支撑架纵横向立杆间距不得大于( )

A. 1.2m
B. 1.5m
C. 1.8m
D. 2.0m

A shopkeeper has reduced litter in her village by 40%.

A. 对
B. 错
