The establisher of Jamestown was the famous explorer and colonist ______.
A. John Winthrop
B. John Smith
C. William Bradford
D. John Goodwin
The best of Puritan poets was ______, whose complete edition ofpoems appeared in 1960, more than two hundred years after his death.
B. Michael Wigglesworth
C. Thomas Hooker
D. EdwardTaylor
Who among the following translated the Bible into the Indian tongue?
A. Roger Williams
B. John Eliot
Cotton Mather
D. John Smith
William Bradford used a word “______” to describe the community of believers who sailed from Southampton England, on the Mayflower and settled in Plymouth, Massachusetts, in 1620.
The General History of Virginia contains Smith's most famous tale of how the Indian princess named ______ saved him from the wrath ofher father.