建筑墙面的绿化应选择生命力强的吸附类植物,如爬山虎、紫藤、常春藤、凌霄、络石等。( )
Choose the BEST answer based on your comprehension of the text.
A. Property and kinship
B. Property and identity
C. Lifestyles and identity
D. Attitudes and heritage
2. The use of "her" in "I will wait for her..."in Paragraph I conveys a feeling of
A. being distant
B. being critical
C. being empathetic
D. being sympathetic
3. What does Mother's dream show?
A. The elder daughter is vain.
B. The elder daughter is graceful.
C. The elder daughter is obedient.
D. The elder daughter is successful.
4. Which of the following best describes the relationship between Mother and Maggie?
A. Intimate
B. Misleading
C. Unhealthy
D. Peculiar