A. 2小时
B. 4小时
C. 6小时
D. 8小时
E. 12小时
A. 肾上腺皮质激素肌内注射
B. 抗生素和气管扩张剂雾化吸入
C. 吸痰和吸氧
D. 口对口人工呼吸
E. 气管切开、吸痰及辅助机械呼吸
A. 饮食中增加多纤维的摄入
B. 保证每天摄入适量的液体,以2000ml左右为宜
C. 一般选择早餐前30分钟排便
D. 蹲或坐位排便最佳
E. 可考虑使用缓泻剂、开塞露、栓剂或灌肠方法
Owen is a manager. He doesn't want to be a manager. But he's not looking for another job because he thinks he doesn't know how to do anything else. According to Bolles , Owen is _______.
A. making a mistake
B. doing the right thing
Amy studies to be a teacher. But now she's not looking for work as a teacher. Instead she's thinking about whether teaching is really the right career for her. According to Bolles, Amy is_________.
A. making the mistake
B. doing the right thing