The "whoa!"in para. 3 has the same meaning and function as that in the last paragraph.
Which of the following statements is false?
A. Teachers need to understand their students’ reasons for writing.
B. Teachers need to provide many opportunities for students to write.
C. Teachers must write feedback in the margins.
D. Teachers cannot make students misunderstand feedback as “correcting” their writing.
Which of the following statements is false?
A. Writing is both a process and a product.
B. For centuries writing instruction has included the entire process of writing—invention, drafting, feedback, and revision.
C. The purpose of writing is both to express and impress.
D. Writing is often a cyclical process.
What should students do when they write their first draft?
A. Focus on the development of ideas and the organization of those ideas
B. Focus on the development of perfect grammar
C. Focus on punctuation
D. Focus on the spelling
What should teachers do when they give feedback to students’ writing?
A. Correct students’ grammar mistakes.
B. Give detailed feedback.
C. Only rely on the written form.
D. Encourage them and foster their confidence in writing and a positive attitude towards writing.