词汇与结构This system also computes and maintains a safe airspeed during holding patterns and initial approach ________.
A. behaviors
B. automations
C. actions
D. maneuvers
词汇与结构The autothrottle system also retards the thrust levers during automatic landing during________.
A. flare
B. flight
C. preparation
D. pre-briefing
词汇与结构The autothrottle system consists of a computer which operates the thrust levers through ________ servo assemblies.
A. single
B. integrated
C. automatic
D. manual
词汇与结构Each channel controls the pitch and roll axes and provides mach ________ and speed______ control.
A. form
B. drain
C. trim
D. dim
词汇与结构When dual channel option is provided, channels A and B can be engaged ________ when making fail-passive automatic landings.
A. simultaneously
B. continuously
C. courageously
D. temporarily