

A. 策略模式中,客户端无须知道所有的策略类,系统必须自行提供一个策略类
B. 策略模式可以避免使用多重条件转移语句
C. 策略模式会导致产生大量的策略类
D. 策略模式提供了管理相关算法族的办法



A. 状态
B. 策略
C. 模板方法
D. 工厂方法

1. Du Bois was opposed to the use of race as ________.

A. a basis for explaining human genetic diversity
B. an aid to understanding different populations
C. an explanation for social and cultural differences
D. a term to describe individual human characteristics

2. The study by Svante Pääbo served as an example to show ________.

A. modern genetics research is likely to fuel racial conflicts
B. race is a poorly defined marker of human genetic diversity
C. race as a biological term can explain human genetic diversity
D. genetics research should consider social and cultural variables

3. The example of the disease cystic fibrosis underdiagnosed in people of African ancestry demonstrates that ________.

A. it is absolutely necessary to put race aside in making diagnosis
B. it is important to include social variables in genetics research
C. racial categories for genetic diversity could lead to wrong clinical predictions
D. discrimination against black people may cause negligence in clinical treatment
