
(8-11题共用题干)患者女性,20岁。因近1个月脾气急、怕热、多汗、多食、失眠去医院就诊,查体:甲状腺I度肿大。两手微抖。眼球有轻度突出,心率90次/分。实验室检查:T36.5mmo1/L,T4263mmol/L,均高于正常。10.应用此方法治疗期间应观察的主要不良反应是 ( )

A. 红细胞减少
B. 粒细胞减少
C. 骨质疏松
D. 声音嘶哑
E. 甲状腺功能低下


“Mr. Zhang, you'd better______ too much meat. You are already over weight.” said the doctor.

A. not to eat
B. to eat
C. not eat
D. eat

We saw him____ the building and go upstairs.

A. to enter
B. enter
C. entering
D. entered

My mother often asks me_______ early.

A. get up
B. got up
C. getting up
D. to get up

“Don't always make Michael ____ this or that. He is already a big boy, dear.” Mr. Bush said to his wife.

A. do
B. to do
C. does
D. did
