如果公司想降低筹资风险,则可以采用的筹资方式有( )。
A. 发行债券
B. 长期借款
C. 商业信用
D. 发行股票
E. 吸收直接投资 判断题
应付账款和短期借款一般均属于敏感负债项目。( )
A. 对
B. 错
吸收直接投资按投资主体的不同,可将资本金分为国家资本金、法人资本金、个人资本金和外商资本金。( )
A. 对
B. 错
Complete the answer (in no more than three words) to each of the following questions.What is the product described in this passage?The product described is a.
What can the product do?It lets you give aor watch a video without a computer.