Find the corresponding English expressions from the text and write them down.断断续续对…感到腻味觉得…枯燥难懂以…而出名据说某人…拘谨刻板,落后于时代随笔小品文躺在沙发上不得不面对…围坐在晚餐桌旁…重现在我脑海中自得其乐违反规定不及格分别无选择,只好做…更重要的是,而且专心地听乐呵呵地开怀大笑心花怒放最后的时刻
1 According to , how much did people inAmerica donate in 2016?
A. Over $4.7 billion.
B. Over $7.4 billion.
C. Over $289 billion.
D. Over $298 billion.
2 What percentage of income do poor people donate compared to rich people?
A larger percentage.
B. No percentage.
C. The same percentage.
D. A smaller percentage.
提问在教学中用来( )。
A. 吸引学生注意力
B. 激发学生思考
C. 方便学生学习方法
D. 培养学生发现问题
A. 应考虑投资少、易实施的环节
B. 应考虑能耗大、物耗大的环节
C. 应考虑物料多、难控制的环节
D. 应考虑减轻企业污染负担的环节