
v. to fail to see or notice sth.; to see sth. wrong or bad but decide to ignore it

A. occupy
B. overtake
C. oppress
D. overlook


n. a fact or an event in nature or society, especially one that is not fully understood

A. parliament
B. obstacle
C. phenomenon
D. occupation

v. to give sb. the wrong idea or impression and make them believe sth. that is not true

A. neglect
B. overlook
C. overtake
D. mislead

在广告中可长期反复使用,能表现产品特性或企业理念的句子叫( )

A. 广告标题
B. 广告语

飞贷是款随借随还的手机贷款APP,哪个广告文案更有吸引力( )

A. 华尔街日报整版报道,飞贷在美国火了
B. 急用钱?飞贷额度高达30万,无抵押
