关于ATc型楼梯说法正确的是( )
B. ATc型楼梯休息平台与主体结构可连接,也可断开;
C. ATc型楼梯梯板厚度不宜小于140,且双层双向配筋;
D. ATc型楼梯梯板两侧须设置边缘构件,边缘构件的宽度取1.5倍的板厚。
某梯板的集中标注如下:CT1,h=130(P150)1500/12C10@200;C10@150FA8@200其中,对本楼梯的配筋信息描述不正确的是( )
A. 此梯板由低端平台和踏步段组成;
B. 本梯板的平台段板厚和梯段板厚相同;
C. 本梯板的上部纵筋为
D. 10@150;
E. 本梯板的踏步数为11个。
Forex (FX) is the marketplace where various national ()are traded
A. stocks
B. currencies
C. bonds
D. food and clothes
there are many factors influncing the change of exchange rate, including
A. monetary policy
B. political stability
C. interest rate
D. income of individual investor