
In most cases, how long does a copyright lastin China?

A. 50 years
B. 17 years
C. 70 years
D. The author's life plus 50 years


The apple which identifies Apple Computers is an example of a

A. trademark
B. service mark
C. patent
D. Copyrighted work

Which of the following are limitations to copyrights?

A. Fair use
B. Compulsory licenses
C. License agreement
D. All of the above
E. Both fair use and compulsory licenses

Wanda has a new idea for a novel, which she won't have time to write until next year. She may protect it by means of:

A. patent.
B. copyright.
C. registration of the idea
D. None of the above

Under copyright law, the doctrine of works for hire states that:

A. if an employee prepares a work within the scope of her employment, her employer is considered the author of the work
B. if an employee prepares a work within the scope of her work, the employee is considered the author of the work for copyright purposes
C. if the work is specially ordered or commissioned, it is always considered, for copyright purposes, the work of the employer
D. a person's original creations, if committed to tangible form, are always considered to be authored by the actual creator in the law of copyright
