发动机起动时,按ECU内存储的初始点火提前角对点火提前角进行控制,初始点火提前角是固定值。( )
发动机冷车起动后的暖机过程中,随冷却水温的提高,点火提前角也应适当的增大。( )
A. 对
B. 错
利用点火提前角闭环控制系统,有效地控制点火提前角,使发动机工作在爆燃的临界状态。( )
A. 对
B. 错
根据以下句子,选出最符合句意的一个单词。Different from his usual simple style, Spencer’s new book is a very______work.
A. legitimate
B. luxious
C. lovely
D. logical
This passage mainly tells us about:
A. The experience of Thomas Jefferson
B. The development ofBritish colony
C. The history of the United States
D. The origin of Independence Day