在建设工程施工活动中,施工单位最基本的安全管理制度以及施工单位安全生产的核心和中心环节是()。 A.安全生产责任制度 B.安全责任追究制度 C.群防群治制度 D.安全生产教育培训制度
Having an adventure in theforest gave me 8 chance to use all the training I __________. [A]receive [B]hadreceived [C]willreceive [D]havereceived
It is not possible for peop1e to remember everything that they have thought.() A recall B appreciate C repeat D discuss
听第10段材料,回答12~15题。 What did the man have todo in the morning? [A]Hefed the chickens. [B]Hecleaned the bathroom. [C]Hecarried water for the family.
[A]pleased[B]sorry [C]unhappy