What most helped Nigel Player run a passenger airline?
A. having friends already in the business
B. understanding the financial background
C. knowing about flying freight
What does Nigel Player say is the secret of his company’s success?
A. its commitment to customer service
B. its commitment to expansion
C. its commitment to employing local people
企业销售应税消费品,计算应缴纳的消费税,应借记的会计科目是( )。
A. 管理费用
B. 主营业务成本
C. 销售费用
D. 税金及附加
下列项目中,不通过“应交税费”账户核算的税费是( )。
A. 增值税
B. 消费税
C. 印花税
D. 城市维护建设税
企业支付的下列税费中,应记入“税金及附加”账户的有( )。
A. 增值税
B. 消费税
C. 城建税
D. 教育费附加