The Three Parallel Rivers of Yunan Protected Areas refer to the areas where the three rivers, namely, the Jinsha River, the Lancang River and the Nujiang River, flow roughly parallel but never converge.
The Shilin Karst boasts numerous odd-shaped stone formations, hence the name of _______.
The Three Parallel Rivers of Yunnan Protected Areas refer to the areas where the three rivers, namely, _______; _______ and _______, flow roughly parallel through steep gorges.
A. the Jinsha Rivei
B. the Lancang River
C. the Nujiang River
D. Weishui River
一个复数的代数式为3-j4,则它的极坐标式是( )。
A. 5∠-37°
B. 5∠53°
C. -5∠37°
D. 5∠-53°
已知复数 A=100∠30°,B=50∠15°,它们的商A/B为
A. 2∠2°
B. 50∠15°
C. 2∠15°
D. 50∠2°