
Please translate the following passage into Chinese.You will be working with our candid and collaborative team, where your knowledge and advice about application architecture and the newest mobile technologies will be highly appreciated. The code you write will need to be cleanly organized and of the highest quality. You’ll also help ensure solid application performance and an excellent user experience.


像片控制点的分类不包括以下哪种( )?

A. 平面控制点
B. 高程控制点
C. 平高控制点
D. GPS 控制点

像片控制点布设原则错误的是( )?

A. 可以按航线或采用区域网布设
B. 应选择明显空旷的目标点上
C. 应选择空旷的水泥坡上
D. 应尽量成品字型均匀分布布设

像控点布设的基本要求有误的是( )?

A. 目标影像应该清晰
B. 一般应布设在航向及旁向六片或五片重叠范围之内
C. 布设控制点应该尽量能共用
D. 控制点距像片边缘不小于10cm

地形类别划分为丘陵的是( )?

A. 2°以下
B. 2°-6°
C. 6°-25°以下
D. 25°以上
