
Why does the man want to leave his present job?

A. He wants to earn more money.
B. He wants to work in a much larger company.
C. His present company doesn’t offer him a complete benefits package.
D. His present company doesn’t offer him more opportunities for growth.


What do you know about the man?

A. He’s got a large family.
B. He enjoys playing two kinds of sports.
C. He’s ambitious.
D. He thinks a good benefits package is more important than a high salary.

What can we learn from the conversation?

A. The man is quite sure that he’ll be accepted by the new company.
B. The man can have 15 days off per year if he works in the new company for three years.
C. The man is now working in a very small company.
D. The man earns about $65,000 at his present job.

如果用户想在 Android设备界面中输入文字,需要添加以下哪个组件

A. 标签
B. 按钮
C. 对话框
D. 文本输入框

下面关于文本语音转换器的功能介绍,哪一项是错误的 ( )

A. 文本语音转换器可以让设备将文字用语音念读出来
B. 文本语音转换器只能识别中文的文本信息
C. 文本语音转换器是非可视组件
D. 文本语音转换器可以识别数字
