What’s the man looking for?[音频]
A. The English Department.
B. The French Department.
C. The German Department.
D. he school library.
When will the man see the professor?[音频]
After his class is over.
B. After four o’clock today.
C. In a few minutes.
D. Sometime after four tomorrow afternoon.
What does Tim say about his being late for class?[音频]
A. His mother forgot to wake him up.
B. He doesn’t have a clock to wake him up.
C. He sleeps too late.
D. He sleeps too much.
RHEL 7 有多种安装方式,以下几种方式中哪种是本地安装方式?
A. NFS安装
B. 光盘安装
C. FTP安装
A. 对
B. 错