The repeating units on the copolymer chain may be arranged in various sequences along the backbone chain, including()
A. Random copolymer
Block copolymer
C. Graft copolymer
D. Alternative copolymer
For the molecular weight distribution, which one of the followings is not correct()
A. There is a considerable variation in molecular weight of polymers
B. The molecular weight distribution can be expressed by the ratio Mw/Mn
C. A polymer sample can be considered as a mixture of chains having different lengths
D. The molecular weights of polymers are usually uniform
A. INSERT INTO tb_student (sno, sname, sex, age, dept, native) VALUES(‘s320078’, ‘张强’,’男’,20, ‘计算机’)
B. INSERT INTO tb_student (sno, sname, sex, age, dept) VALUES(‘s320078’, ‘张强’,’男’,20, ‘计算机’)
C. INSERT INTO tb_student VALUES(‘s320078’, ‘张强’,’男’,20, ‘计算机’,null)
D. INSERT INTO tb_student (dept, sno, sname, sex, age) VALUES(‘计算机’, ‘s320078’, ‘张强’,’男’,20)
A. static void method()
B. public void method()
C. final void method()
D. abstract void method()