The main mechanism of facial edema in patients with nephrotic syndrome is()
A. Increased capillary hydrostatic pressure
B. Increased capillary permeability
C. Decreased plasma colloid osmotic pressure and loose local tissue structure
D. Obstruction of lung lymphatic return
E. Decreased GFR
The mechanism of edema in the homolateral arm of breast carcinoma treated with radical surgery is()
A. Increased capillary hydrostatic pressure due to congestion in operation
B. Increased capillary permeability due to vessel impairment in operation
C. Decreased plasma colloid osmotic pressure due to plasma loss in operation
D. Lymphatic obstruction due to removal of lymph nodes in operation
E. Increased tissue colloid osmotic pressure due to tissue damage in operation
Which one of the following would not develop to anasarca()
A. Renal edema
B. Cardiac edema
C. Inflammatory edema
D. Hepatic edema
E. Nutritional edema
The basic mechanism inducing retention of sodium and water is that()
A. There is a glomerular-tubular imbalance
B. Capillary hydrostatic pressure is increased
Capillary permeability is increased
D. Plasma colloid osmotic pressure is decreased
E. Lymphatic return is obstructed
Which of the following are modal commands()
A. G01
B. G00
C. F
D. All of the above