
Valuing Childhood
The value of childhood is easily hurried (变得模糊不清) in today's world. Consider some recent developments: The child-murderers in the Jonesboro, Ark. schoolyard shooting case were convicted and sentenced. Two boys, 7 and 8, were charged in the murder of an 11-year-old girl in Chicago.
Children who commit horrible crimes appear to act of their own will. Yet, as legal proceedings in Jonesboro showed, the one boy who was able to address the court couldn't begin to explain his acts, though he tried to apologize. There may have been a motive-youthful jealousy(妒忌) and resentment. But a deeper question remains. Why did these boys and others in similar trouble apparently lack any inner, moral restraint?
That question echoes for the accused in Chicago, young as they are. They wanted the girl's bicycle, a selfish impulse common enough among kids.
Redemption (拯救) is a practical necessity. How can value be restored to young lives distorted by acts of violence? The boys in Jonesboro and in Chicago will be confined in institutions for a relatively short time. Despite horror at what was done, children are not-cannot be-dealt with as adults, not if a people wants to consider itself civilized. That's why politicians' cries for adult treatment of youthful criminals ultimately miss the point.
But the moral void(真空)that invites violence has many sources. Family instability con-tributes. So does economic stress. That void, however, can be filled. The work starts with parents, who have to ask themselves whether they're doing enough to give their children a firm sense of right and wrong. Are they really monitoring their activities and their developing processes of thought?
Schools, too, have a role in building character. So do youth organizations. So do law enforcement agencies, which can do more to inform. the young about laws, their meaning, and their observance (遵守).
The goal, ultimately, is to allow all children a normal passage from childhood to adulthood (成年), so that tragic gaps in moral judgment are less likely to occur. The relative few who fill such gaps with acts of violence hint at many others who don't go that far, but who lack the moral foundations childhood should provide-and which progressive human society relies on.
The two boys in Chicago were______.

A. shot
B. murdered
C. sentenced
D. accused



A. 正确
B. 错误

听力原文: Tens of thousands of furious students and local residents, angry over NATO's bombing of China's Embassy in Yugoslavia, continued their anti-US, anti-NATO demonstrations for the second day. The demonstrators — carrying Chinese flags, banners and photos of the three journalists killed in the attack — condemned the bombing. They also voiced their support for the stand taken by the Chinese Government. Residents lining both sides of the street supported the students, joining them in shouting slogans and singing the Chinese national anthem.
The victims of the bombing are

A. college students.
B. reporters.
C. embassy officials.
D. local residents.

听力原文: A friend of mine told me that when he was a young man he went to work as a teacher in one of the states of India, One day, he received an invitation to dinner at the ruler's palace. Very pleased, he went to tell his colleagues. They laughed and told him the meaning of the invitation. They had all been invited and each person who was invited had to bring with him a certain number of silver and gold coins. The number of coins varied according to the person's position in the service of the government. My friend's income was not high, so he did not have much to pay. Each person bowed before the ruler, his gold went onto one heap, and his silver went onto another heap. And in this way he paid his income tax for the year, This was a simple way of collecting income tax. The tax on property wes also collected area, if this man promised to pay the ruler a certain amount of money. Of coupe, the tax collector managed to collect more money than he paid to the ruler. The difference between the sum of money collected and the sum of money he gave to the ruler was his profit.

A. He was once a friend of the ruler.
B. He was a tax collector.
C. He was a government official.
D. He was once a school teacher in India.

What does the word "assortment"(Line , Para. 2)probably mean?

A. difference
B. separation
C. classification
D. mixture
