But, in our enthusiasm to discover our heritage, we are ruining the very scenery we go to
A. wearing
B. treading
C. failing
D. cutting
Which of the following conclusions would the author be most likely to agree with about discrimination against women by private employers and by government employers?
A. Both private employers and government employers discriminate with equal effects on women's earnings.
Both private employers and government employers discriminate, but the discrimination by private employers has a greater effect on women's earnings.
C. Both private employers and government employers discriminate, but the discrimination by government employers has a greater effect on women's earnings.
D. Private employers discriminate: it is possible that government employers discriminate.
A. 3214
B. 3347
C. 3367
D. 3458
To address such concerns, an experimental, version of the traditional scholarly methods course was designed to raise students' consciousness about the usefulness of traditional learning for any modern critic or theorist. To minimize the artificial aspects of the conventional course, the usual procedure of assigning a large number of small problems drawn from the entire range of historical periods was abandoned, though this procedure has the obvious advantage of at least superficially familiarizing students with a wide range of reference sources. Instead students were engaged in a collective effort to do original work on a neglected eighteenth-century writer, Elizabeth Griffith, to give them an authentic experience of literary scholarship and to inspire them to take responsibility for the quality of their own work.
Griffith's work presented a number of advantages for this particular pedagogical purpose. First, the body of extant scholarship on Griffith was so tiny that it could all be read in a day, thus students spent little time and effort mastering the literature and, had a clear field for their own discoveries. Griffith's play The Platonic Wife exists in three versions, enough to provide illustrations of editorial issues but not too many for beginning students to manage. In addition, because Griffith was successful in the eighteenth century, as her continued productivity and favorable reviews demonstrate, her exclusion from the canon and virtual disappearance from literary history also helped raise issues concerning the current canon.
The range of Griffith's work meant that each student could become the world's leading authority on a particular Griffith text. For example, a student studying Griffith's Wife in the Right obtained a first edition of the play and studied it for some weeks. This student was suitably shocked and outraged to find its title transformed into A Wife in the Night in Watt's Bibliotheca Britannica. Such experiences, inevitable and common in working on a writer to whom so little attention has been paid, serve to vaccinate the student I hope for a lifetime against credulous use of reference sources.
The author of the passage is primarily concerned with ______.
A. revealing a commonly ignored deficiency
B. proposing a return to traditional terminology
C. describing an attempt to correct a shortcoming
D. assessing the success of a new pedagogical approach
A study of the practices of financial institutions revealed that no discrimination against
A. some tentative results of Fuchs' study
B. some explicit results of Brown's study
C. a suggestion made by the author
D. Fuchs' hypothesis