
Burning wood satisfied most energy needs until the steam-driven industrial revolution, when energy-dense coal became the fuel of choice. Coal is still used, mostly in power stations, to cover one quarter of our energy needs, but its use has been declining since we started pumping up oil. Coal is the least efficient, unhealthiest and most environmentally damaging fossil fuel, but could make a comeback, as supplies are still plentiful; its reserves are five times larger than oil's.
Today petroleum, a mineral oil obtained from below the surface of the Earth and used to produce petrol, diesel oil and various other chemical substances, provides around 40% of the world's energy needs, mostly fuelling automobiles. The US consumes a quarter of all oil, and generates a similar proportion of greenhouse gas emissions.
The majority of oil comes from the Middle East, which has half of known reserves. But other significant sources include Russia, North America, Norway, Venezuela and the North Sea. Alaska's Arctic National Wildlife Refuge could be a major new US source, to reduce reliance on foreign imports.
Most experts predict we will exhaust easily accessible reserves within 50 years, though opinions and estimates vary. We could fast reach an energy crisis in the next few decades, when demand exceeds supply. As conventional reserves become more difficult to access, others such as tar sands may be used instead. Petrol could also be obtained from coal.
Since we started using fossil fuels ,we have released 400 billion tones of carbon, and burning the entire reserves could eventually raise world temperatures by 13℃. Among other horrors, this would result in the destruction of all rainforests and tile inching of all Arctic ice.
"… we will need to cure our addiction to oil." Why does the author say so?

A. Most of the energy on Earth comes from the Sun.
B. Oil supply is increasing all the time.
C. Demand for oil is increasing all tile time.
D. Oil supply is decreasing.


What had led to Jenny's personal tragedy?

A. She drove too fast.
B. A motorist drove too fast.
C. A motorist's failure to concentrate.
D. Her failure to concentrate.

听力原文: At the University of Kansas art museum, investigators tested the effects of different colored walls on two groups of visitors. For the first group the room was painted white; for the second, dark brown. The experiment showed that those who entered the dark brown room walked more quickly, and spent less time in the room than the people in the white room. Dark brown stimulated more activity, but the activity ended sooner. Not only the colors but also the room appearance influences those inside. Another experiment was carried out, in which three groups of subjects are used; each group was in a different kind of room. One group was in an "ugly" room that looked like a messy storeroom. Another group was in an average room—a nice office. The third group was in a beautiful room with carpeting and drapes. Results showed that the people in the beautiful room tended to give higher ratings than did those in the ugly room. Other studies suggest that students do better on tests taken in comfortable, attractive rooms than in ordinary-looking or ugly rooms.

At the University of Kansas.
B. At the University of Kansas art museum.
C. At an art museum.
D. In an office.

听力原文: Ten graduate students who have served as teaching assistants this year have been nominated to receive awards for outstanding teaching. They were chosen from out of approximately 500 teaching assistants. There will be a ceremony on Tuesday evening at 7:30 to honor them. The chancellor will present each of the winners with a cash prize of $100 and a certificate commending them. The chancellor has noted that teaching assistants are an integral part of our campus, and that the quality of undergraduate education has been improved by the quality of our teaching assistants. They work long hours leading discussion groups, grading papers, and overseeing lab work. Most of them work as teaching assistants to help with the cost of their education. Please come to the ceremony on Tuesday to show your appreciation of these hard-working students.

A. 500.
B. 100
C. 10.
D. 7

What can be the possible cause of the changes of El Nino?

A. Greenhouse warming.
B. Inaccurate weather forecast.
C. Famine.
D. Accurate forecasts.
