
资料二:《纲要》 征求意见稿指出: “把促进公平作为国家基本教育政策。教育公平是社会公平的重要基础。 教育公平的基本要求是保障公民依法享有受教育的权利,关键是机会公平,重点是促进义务教育均衡发展和扶持困难群体,根本措施是合理配置教育资源,向农村地区、边远贫困地区和民族地区倾斜,加快缩小教育差距。”结合上述材料,请用价值观的知识,谈谈对促进教育公平的认识


What do Shona's initial results show about medical services in Britain()

A. Current concerns are misrepresented by the press.
B. Financial issues are critical to the government.
C. Reforms within hospitals have been unsuccessful.

Shona says that in her questionnaire her aim was____.

A. to get a wide range of data.
B. to limit people's responses.
C. to guide people through interviews.

Shona needs to do further research in order to____.

A. present the government with her findings.
B. decide the level of extra funding needed.
C. identify the preferences of the public.

