Which of the following is true of Google according to the text?
A. It will invariably provide free online reading for its customers.
B. It has become the world's most popular book publisher.
C. It facilitates books reading and searching to a larger extent.
D. It has gained permission to publish the complete books online.
A. 内存储器
B. 光盘存储器
C. 硬盘存储器
D. 软盘存储器
A. 计算机可以存储大量信息
B. 计算机可以实现高速度地运算
C. 计算机可以替代人的脑力劳动
D. 计算机是一种信息处理机
The author of the text employs all of the following in the discussion of Rosenblatt's book
A. rhetorical questions
B. specific examples
C. comparison and contrast
D. definition of terms