A. 温度值
B. 湿度值
C. 日期
D. 时间
E. 测点位置
后背痒痒了怎么办?1700多年前,中国人雕了一只木头手臂。这个小东西有个生动的名字,叫“不求人”。What do you do if your back ____? The Chinese made a ____ arm to solve this problem some 1700 years ago. It had a lovely name, “accomplish on your own”.
后来不求人和大臣用来记事的笏板合为一体。它有一个好听的名字叫“如意”,意思是符合心意,是一种权力的象征。Later it _____ a jade plank which was used by high officials to make notes when they met the emperor. The new one, named ru yi, which mean “everything goes well” in Chinese, ____ power.
它的头部做成灵芝形状,柄上雕刻蝙蝠、牡丹、古钱币等图案。这些在中国传统文化中都有着吉祥的寓意。The head, ____ like a glossy mushroom, and ____ of flowers, bats and ancient coins are carved on the handle. These ____ represent goodwill in ________.