My work_______, I went home .
A. had been done
B. done
C. having done
D. to be done
He must have gone out.I heard the noise of the door_______when I was still in bed.
A. being locked
B. to lock
C. locking
D. having locked
可直接用作路堤填料的是( ).
A. 粉质土
B. 膨胀岩石
C. 电石渣
D. 石质土
土质路堤填筑时,当路堤基底的横坡坡度大于( )时,基底坡面应挖成台阶。
A. 1∶5
B. 1:10
C. 1∶0.5
D. 1:1.5
新建公路路基的干湿类型可用( )来判别。
A. 分界稠度
B. 分界相对含水率
C. 路基临界高度
D. 路槽底80cm的平均含水率