A. 诊断为麻疹,使用阿莫西林抗感染治疗
B. 将酚麻美敏胶囊和板蓝根颗粒开在同一张处方上
C. 头孢曲松钠选用复方氯化钠注射液作溶媒
D. 给糖尿病患者同时开具消渴丸和格列本脲
E. 低分子肝素的给药方法为静脉滴注
A. 青霉素钠
B. 阿奇霉素
C. 阿司匹林
D. 破伤风抗毒素
E. 甲钴胺
【单选题】With IBS, the diarrhea is caused by ____________.
A. inflammation
B. abnormal movement of colon
C. viral infection
D. tumor in colon
【单选题】Which one of the following is NOT a factor triggering IBS?
Abnormal nervous system.
B. Severe infection.
Certain food.
D. Mite in room.
【单选题】Which one of the following can be a trigger of IBS?
A. Breaking up with your partner.
B. Chronic cardiovascular disease.
C. A hot weather.
D. Putting on too much makeup.