
内部选择培训师的优点是其培训技巧和培训能力较强 正确

A. 对
B. 错


电路有3中工作状态,分别为( ),(),( )。

[音频]Have you ever heard others say “Cross your fingers” or “I’ll keep my fingers 1.____for you”? The phrase “Cross your fingers” may leave some people scratching their 2.____. This phrase is a wish for good 3.____. It has something to do with the old belief in the strong 4.____of the Christian cross. For those living in the old 5.____, they thought witches and ghosts ____6.____in the real world and they blamed illnesses and bad luck on evil 7.____. The cross, they believed, could provide them protection and ward off the evil influence.Normally, making the 8. ____of the cross involves four steps--- touch the forehead, heart, left shoulder, then right shoulder with your right hand. However, one can make a cross shortcut by curling the middle finger of one hand. Although superstitions about the witches and evils slowly 9.____, the phrase “Cross one’s fingers” 10.____. It is used for such a long time that it has 11.____an idiom not only used by Christians but also those who do not 12.____in God.

下列选项中,属于曲轴主轴承响的原因是( )

A. 机油压力太低,粘度太小或机油变质
B. 曲轴连杆轴承盖的固定螺栓松动或折断
C. 曲轴连杆轴承减磨合金烧毁或脱落
D. 曲轴内通连杆轴颈的油道堵塞

发动机异响主要有 、 、空气动力异响和电磁异响等。
