The only way to protect against infection is to receive vaccines against hepatitis A and B, and to avoid contact with the other viruses.
A. 得到保护防止感染的唯一途径是接种甲肝疫苗和乙肝疫苗,并避免接触其他病毒。
B. 得到保护防止感染的其中一种途径就是接种甲肝疫苗和乙肝疫苗,并避免接触其他病毒。
How does hepatitis B spread?
How to prevent from the infection of hepatitis?
What are the signs of Hepatitis A?
A. high body temperature
B. pain
C. weakness
D. yellow skin
Cu愈大,表示土粒愈( )。工程上把Cu<5的土视为( ); Cu>10的土视为( ) 。