A. 0.61
B. 0.68
C. 0.73
D. 0.77
A. 0.63
B. 0.73
C. 1.43
D. 1.59
某框架梁,抗震设防烈度为8度,抗震等级为二级,环境类别一类,其施工图用平法表示如题图所示。试问,在KL1(3)梁的构造中(不必验算箍筋加密区长度),下列 ()项判断是正确的。
A. 未违反强制性条文
B. 违反一条强制性条文
C. 违反二条强制性条文
D. 违反三条强制性条文
Which of the following statements is true, according to the author?
A. Most educated people study both sides of a question.
B. Heterodox speculation will lead to many errors in thinking.
C. The vast majority of people who argue fluently are acquainted with only one side of an issue.
D. It is wise to get both sides of a debatable issue from one's teachers.
Why was capital punishment questioned in the mid-18th century in Europe?
A. People began to criticize their government.
B. Tile government was unjust in this period.
C. People began to realize the value of life.
D. Social critics were very. active at that time.