患者男,60岁。进行性消瘦,低热、食欲减退,伴右上腹胀痛3个月。查体:皮肤、黏膜无黄染,浅表淋巴无肿大,心、肺检查无异常,肝肋下1.5 cm,剑突下4.0 cm可及。白细胞4×109/L,B型超声显示右叶有直径5 cm的强回声团块,中央可见液性暗区。正确的诊断是()
A. 肝硬化
B. 肝癌
C. 肝囊肿
D. 肝结核
E. 肝脓肿
You are implementing an ASP.NET page that will retrieve large sets of data from a data source. You add a ListView control and a DataPager control to the page. You need to ensure that the data can be viewed one page at a time. What should you do?()
A. Set the DataPager control’s PageSize property to the number of rows to view at one time.
B. Set the DataPager control’s PagedControlID property to the ID of the ListView control.
C. In the code-behind file, set the DataPager control’s Parent property to the ListView control.
D. In the code-behind file, set the ListView control’s Parent property to the DataPager control.
A. 泼尼松
B. 泼尼松+柔红霉素+长春新碱
C. 高三尖杉酯碱+阿糖胞苷
D. 柔红霉素+阿糖胞苷
A. 跟骨结节角
B. 跟距关节角
C. 跟骨关节突角
D. 结节关节角
E. 交叉角
A. 长期应用抗生素
B. 糖尿病患者治疗
C. 口腔、肠道、阴道念珠菌可交叉感染
D. 阴道乳杆菌数量的减少
E. 长期使用避孕套避孕