One silly question I simply cannot tolerate is "How do you feel?" Usually the question is
A. made him laugh
B. shown concern for him
C. made fun of him
D. given him some kind of warning
Extract 1 In any relationship the worst pitfall is possessiveness. You must never think you own the other person just because you are their parent, their marriage partner or you pay them to work for you. You must accept that they will always be themselves and that nothing you can do will alter this fact. You can give advice if it is asked for but you should never impose it. People usually only ask for advice that they hope to find palatable. Phrases such as "Youll be making a great mistake if ...", or "Of course, if I were you Id ..." suggest criticism, even censure. The important thing to remember is that it is another person and not you who is making the decision. Extract 2 Some times when you are being considered for a job you may be asked to take a personality test. This means that your prospective employer is trying to assess what kind of person you are, whether you can work well under stress, how you express yourself and, most important, how you get on with other people. Part of a personality test may take the form. of a group discussion or role-play. Here it is important not to try to impose your views on the other members of the group, to avoid getting argumentative or start talking about something totally irrelevant. There is no reason why you cant say what you think, so long as you say it pleasantly and do not totally rule out any opinion which differs from your own. Extract 3 Any relationship with children must be based on truth and dignity. Children are not impressed by adults who are trying to impress them and they resent being talked down to or treated by strangers as some form. of household pet to be rewarded for good behavior. and punished for misdemeanors. Children should be treated as people in their own right. This is probably why the relationship between children and the very old is often so successful. Elderly people often find themselves being treated in much the same way as children and equally resent it. Questions:
According to Dr. Mead, the attitude of beings from outer space towards us is one of______.
A. unfriendliness
B. suspicion
C. superiority
D. hostility