报检人郑重声明: 1.本人被授权报检。 2.上列填写内容正确属实,货物无伪造或冒用他人的厂 名、标志、认证标志。并承担货物质量责任。 签名:李 刚 领取证单 日期 签名 注:有“*”号栏由出入境检验检疫机关填写 ◆国家出入境检验检疫局制 (录入者注:下面这篇英文实在是看不清了,只好将就这样子大家看一下了,不知会不会影响大家答题) SALES CONTRACT No.:ZW780321 Date:Aug.5.2005 The Buyer:Star River Import & Export Corp. LongBeach U.S. The Seller:DaPeng Shoes Corp. ShangHai China This contact is crude ?? and between Seller and the Buyer.where ? ? agree to sell and the Buyer agrees to buy the ? ? goods according to the terms and ? ? ?. (1) Name of Commodity:Dapeng Sports shoes (2) Quantity:??? (3) Unit Price:?? (4) Ammount Total:?? (5) Packing:?? (6) Port of ?:?? (7) Port of ?:?? (8) Date of Shipment: (9) ? of Payment: (10) Shipping Mark:DaPeng/Star River (11) Documents required:The---?? ?????????? The Buyer The Seller