若某机主频为100 MHz,每个指令周期平均包含2个机器周期,每个机器周期包含2个时钟周期。 (1)求该机平均指令执行速度。 (2)若频率不变,但每条指令平均包含5个机器周期,每个机器周期包含4个时钟周期,求平均指令执行速度。
A. 某一时刻只有一个可以向总线发送数据,并且只有一个可以从总线接收数据
B. 某一时刻只有一个可以向总线发送数据,但可以有多个同时从总线接收数据
C. 可以有多个同时向总线发送数据,并且可以有多个同时从总线接收数据
_____(watch)over by guards with guns, the convicts raised their legs in unison and made their way to the edge of the highway.
Attempts to break up this old system _______(make ) in every presidential election in the past one hundred years.
Nations are classified as “aged ” when they have 7% or more of their people aged 65