In the same way that F. Scott Fitzgerald s Tales of the Jazz Age became the symbol for an
Nick s night trip to the Indian village and his experience inside the hut can be taken as
A. an initiation to pain and suffering
B. a confrontation with evil and sin
C. an essential lesson about Indian tribes
D. a learning process of human connections
A. 激光照射
B. 冷冻
C. 手术切除
D. 戒除烟酒
E. 雾化吸人
A. 药疹
B. 多形性红斑
C. 慢性盘状红斑狼疮
D. 艾滋病
E. 单纯疱疹
A. 地理环境
B. 病灶牙的存在
C. 月经不调
D. 日光
E. 冷热刺激