
Diesel engines driving alternators operating in parallel must maintain a set frequency regardless of load changes. The governor characteristic used to accomplish this is known as _______.

A. actuation
B. sensitivity
C. compensation
D. promptness



A. 投资增加
B. 消费支出减少
C. 美元在外汇市场上的价格上升
D. 净出口下降
E. 政府在产品和服务上的支出增加

as the third engineer ,what precautions do you need take to prepare for PSC inspection ?

What causes the lube oil pressure of the engine to drop ?

If the superheat value of a thermostatic expansion valve is set too low, the _.

A. the suction line will be abnormally cold and liquid may slug back to the compressor
B. the suction line will be hot due to a reduced amount of refrigerant returning to the compressor
C. the temperature of the refrigerant within the condenser will remain the same
D. the temperature of the refrigerant passing through the sub-cooler will decrease
