
The HMS Ontario is one of the most famous shipwrecks and was discovered by two Rochester engineers Jim Kennard, 64, who has spent more than half his life pursuing The HMS Ontario, along with Dan Scoville, 35, a shipwreck diver. They discovered The HMS Ontario deep off the southern shore of Lake Ontario when side-scanning sonar system that Mr. Kennard, a retired Kodak engineer, designed and built himself, showed a picture of something deep in Lake Ontario. The location of the shipwreck had been unknown for 228 years.Experienced shipwreck divers Jim Kennard and Dan Scoville have discovered seven of Lake Ontario"s estimated 500 shipwrecks in the last six years alone. Jim Kennard also designed a microwave-sized remote submersible that they deployed to go down and take the shipwreck"s video. The shipwreck is quite deep in Lake Ontario, so the remote machine with video was very useful."Right away we saw the quarter gallery, the windows in the stem, the cannons," said Jim Kennard. "There was no mistaking. That"s when we started getting excited." The discovery of the ship wreck was confirmed by the HMS Ontario expert Canadian Arthur Britton Smith, who authored the definitive book on the HMS Ontario.The loss of the HMS Ontario, is one of the worst-ever disasters recorded on Lake Ontario. In her time the HMS Ontario was the most-feared ship on the Great Lakes. It was 1780 and the Yankees were threatening to storm across Lake Ontario and seize Montreal from the British. But the intimidating 226-ton Ontario--22 cannons, two 80-foot masts, a beamy hull with cargo space for 1000 barrels, was intimidating. On Oct. 31, 1780, she sailed into a storm with around 120 passengers on board and was never seen again. The British tried to keep the news of the ship wreck hush.The HMS Ontario appears to be in perfect shape and the HMS Ontario has aged remarkably well though zebra mussels cover much of the woodwork. Leaning on a 45-degree angle, her masts still jut straight up from her decks where several guns lie upside-down and a brass bell, brass cleats and the stem lantern are perfectly visible. The Seven windows across her stem still have glass. Shipwrecks in cold freshwater are well preserved, that is why great lakes shipwrecks are prized. At 500 feet deep, where the HMS Ontario lies, there is no light and no oxygen to speed up the decomposition, and little marine life to feed on the wood.There was no evidence of the roughly 113 Canadian men, women, children and American prisoners who went down with the ship—the passengers—mostly Canadian soldiers from the 34th regiment—were never found. Nobody knows for sure how many passengers perished on the Ontario; the British kept their prisoner counts secret.Out of worries over looting, Mr. Jim Kennard and Mr. Dan Scoville are not revealing the HMS Ontario"s location. The vessel sits in water up to 500 feet deep and cannot be reached by anyone other than experienced divers. It is not believed to have any shipwreck treasure on it as was reported other than a few shipwreck coins that belonged to the passengers.Kennard said he and his partner have gathered enough ship wreck video of the ship that it will not be necessary to return to the site. He added that they hope to make a documentary about the discovery with the video of the shipwreck.The Great Lakes host many shipwreck locations and there are an estimated 4,700 shipwrecks in total, of which 500 are in Lake Ontario. Freshwater shipwrecks are famous for their preservation of the vessels and make popular diving spots. The HMS Ontario was most probably a ______.

A. cruise liner
B. fishing boat
C. war ship
D. cargo ship


2007年10月4日,个体户李文斌欲开办一饮食店,因资金不足与孙占武协商签订了一份借款协议,约定向孙占武借款4000元,借款期为9个月,利息为银行存款利率的2倍。协议同时约定由李文斌将一架高档电子琴交给孙占武作为担保。合同签订后,孙占武要李文斌带上电子琴到其家取款。李文斌称电子琴前几天被一个朋友借走,过几天才能还回来,现急需现款,请孙先把钱借给他,如果到时不还,电子琴任由其处理。于是孙占武交给了李文斌现金4000元。此后不久,李文斌由于经营不善,亏损严重,又将电子琴交给邻居马万成作质押,向马借款3000元。孙占武得知此事后,认为李文斌在欺骗自己,遂要求李文斌马上将电子琴交给自己,否则就要解除合同。李文斌请求宽限几日,孙占武不同意,表示要将电子琴折价抵偿。李文斌无奈,只好讲明电子琴在马万成处,并表示如果马万成同意,电子琴随他处理。于是,孙占武找到马万成索要电子琴,但遭到拒绝。孙占武认为自己设质在先,强行将电子琴搬走。马万成不服,遂诉至人民法院,请求判令孙占武返还电子琴。问: 如何确定电子琴的质权的归属为什么

2007年10月4日,个体户李文斌欲开办一饮食店,因资金不足与孙占武协商签订了一份借款协议,约定向孙占武借款4000元,借款期为9个月,利息为银行存款利率的2倍。协议同时约定由李文斌将一架高档电子琴交给孙占武作为担保。合同签订后,孙占武要李文斌带上电子琴到其家取款。李文斌称电子琴前几天被一个朋友借走,过几天才能还回来,现急需现款,请孙先把钱借给他,如果到时不还,电子琴任由其处理。于是孙占武交给了李文斌现金4000元。此后不久,李文斌由于经营不善,亏损严重,又将电子琴交给邻居马万成作质押,向马借款3000元。孙占武得知此事后,认为李文斌在欺骗自己,遂要求李文斌马上将电子琴交给自己,否则就要解除合同。李文斌请求宽限几日,孙占武不同意,表示要将电子琴折价抵偿。李文斌无奈,只好讲明电子琴在马万成处,并表示如果马万成同意,电子琴随他处理。于是,孙占武找到马万成索要电子琴,但遭到拒绝。孙占武认为自己设质在先,强行将电子琴搬走。马万成不服,遂诉至人民法院,请求判令孙占武返还电子琴。问: 孙占武如何才能使自己的债权得到保护

甲为了能在自己的房子里欣赏远处的风景,便与相邻的乙书面约定:乙不能在自己的土地上建高层建筑;作为补偿,甲每年支付给乙4000元。双方同时对该合同办理了登记。两年后,乙将该建设用地使用权转让给丙。丙在该土地上建了一座高楼。不久,甲为了经营事业向银行贷款20万元,并将房屋抵押给银行,同时丁提供一辆汽车作为甲向银行借款的担保,戊为甲的贷款行为提供连带保证责任。后甲因经营事业失败,到期无法归还银行所欠贷款,银行于是试图实现抵押权,并要求丁和戊承担担保责任。问: 甲与乙签订的乙不能在自己土地上建高楼的协议的性质是什么是否有效为什么

甲为了能在自己的房子里欣赏远处的风景,便与相邻的乙书面约定:乙不能在自己的土地上建高层建筑;作为补偿,甲每年支付给乙4000元。双方同时对该合同办理了登记。两年后,乙将该建设用地使用权转让给丙。丙在该土地上建了一座高楼。不久,甲为了经营事业向银行贷款20万元,并将房屋抵押给银行,同时丁提供一辆汽车作为甲向银行借款的担保,戊为甲的贷款行为提供连带保证责任。后甲因经营事业失败,到期无法归还银行所欠贷款,银行于是试图实现抵押权,并要求丁和戊承担担保责任。问: 如果银行实现抵押权并将房屋转让给第三人,则该第三人是否有权享有甲、乙之间签订合同时确定的权利和义务
