
中科股份有限公司(本题下称“中科公司”)为增值税一般纳税人,适用的增值税税率为17%。中科公司以人民币作为记账本位币,外币业务采用业务发生时的市场汇率折算,按月计算汇兑损益。(1)中科公司有关外币账户2008年3月31日的余额如下:项目外币账户余额(万美元)汇率人民币账户外余额(万人民币)银行存款8007.05600应收存款4007.02800应付存款2007.01400长期借款10007.07000(2)中科公司2008年4月份发生的有关外币交易或事项如下:①4月3日,将100万美元兑换为人民币,兑换取得的人民币已存入银行。当日市场汇率为1美元=7.0元人民币,当日银行买入价为1美元=6.9元人民币。②4月10日,从国外购入一批原材料,货款总额为400万美元。该原材料已验收入库,货款尚未支付。当日市场汇率为1美元=6.9元人民币。另外,以银行存款支付该原材料的进口关税500万元人民币,增值税554.2万元人民币。③4月14日,出口销售一批商品,销售价款为600万美元,货款尚未收到。当日市场汇率为1美元=6.9元人民币。假设不考虑相关税费。④4月20日,收到应收账款300万美元,款项已存入银行。当日市场汇率为1美元= 6.8元人民币。该应收账款系2月份出口销售发生的。⑤4月25日,以每股10美元的价格(不考虑相关税费)购入英国Host公司发行的股票10000股作为交易性金融资产,当日市场汇率为1美元=6.8元人民币。⑥4月30日,计提长期借款第一季度发生的利息。该长期借款系2008年1月1日从中国银行借入的专门借款,用于购买建造某生产线的专用设备,借入款项已于当日支付给该专用设备的外国供应商。该生产线的建造工程已于2007年10月开工。该外币借款金额为 1000万元,期限2年,年利率为4%,按季计提借款利息,到期一次还本,每年末支付利息。该专用设备于3月20日投入安装。至2008年4月30日,该生产线尚处于建造过程中。⑦4月30日,英国Host公司发行的股票市价为11美元。⑧4月30日,市场汇率为1美元=6.7元人民币。要求: 计算交易性金融资产4月30日应确认的公允价值变动损益并编制相关会计分录。


Task 1Directions: After reading the following passage, you will find 5 questions or unfinished statements, numbered 36 to 40. For each question or statement there are 4 choices marked A, B, C and D. You should make the correct choice and mark the corresponding letter on the Answer Sheet with a single line through the center. For years and years people have been saying that the railways are dead. "We can do without railways" people say, as if motorcars and planes made the railways unnecessary. We all keep hearing that trains are slow, that they lose money, that they’re dying. But this is far from the truth. In these days of expensive oil, the railways have become highly competitive with motorcars and planes. If you want to carry people or goods from place to place, they’re cheaper than planes. And they have much in common with planes. A plane goes in a strange line and so does a railway. What is more, it takes you from the heart of a city into the heart of another. It doesn’t leave you as a plane does, miles and miles from the city center. It doesn’t hold you up as a car does, in endless traffic jams. And a single train can carry goods which no plane or motorcar could ever do. Far from being dead, the railways are very much alive. Modern railway lines give you a smooth, untroubled journey. Where else can you eat well, sleep in comfort, feel safe and enjoy the scene while you are traveling at speed at the same time And we are only at the beginning. For we have just entered the age of super-fast trains, traveling at 150 miles an hour and more. Soon we will be wondering why we spent so much on motorways we can’t use because we have not enough money to buy the oil and planes we can’t fly in for the same reason. Which of the following statements best sums up the passage

A. The railways are dead now.
B. Motorcars and planes have made the railways unnecessary.
C. We’ve entered the age of super-fast trains.
D. The advantages of the railways enable them to be alive even nowadays.

Watts has been imprisoned for years on a charge of ______.

A. murder
B. burglary with intent to murder
C. slaying
D. robbery

(请从每小题的备选答案中选出一个你认为正确的答案,涉及计算的,如有小数,保留两位小数,两位小数后四舍五入) A公司是一家电脑销售公司。2008年7月1日,A公司向B公司销售1000台电脑,每台销售价格为4500元,单位成本为4000元,开出的增值税专用发票上注明的销售价款为 4500000元,增值税税额为765000元。协议约定,B公司应于8月1日之前支付货款,在 12月31日之前有权退还电脑。电脑已经发出,款项尚未收到。假定A公司根据过去的经验,估计该批电脑的退货率约为15%。 按照税法规定,销货方于收到购货方提供的《开具红字增值税专用发票申请单》时开具红字增值税专用发票,并作减少当期应纳税所得额的处理。A公司适用的所得税税率为 25%,预计未来期间不会变更。 12月31日发生销售退回,实际退货量为120台。 要求:根据上述资料,不考虑其他因素,回答下列第1至4题。 2008年A公司因销售电脑应交纳的所得税是( )元。

A. 110000
B. 106250
C. 125000
D. 105000

Pokie machines are addictive for the following reasons EXCEPT that ______.

A. they seem to be fun to beginners
B. they allow big wins
C. they are easy to play
D. big wins seem possible given enough time and money
