患者,女性,40岁,发热,牙龈出血伴月经量增多2周就诊,体检:T39.2℃,贫血貌,浅表淋巴结(-),胸骨压痛(+),肝肋下1cm,化验:Hb 72g/L,WBC 32×109/L,PLT 28×109/L,骨髓增生明显活跃,原始细胞占92%,为明确诊断,通常宜首选下列哪项检查?()
A. 血细胞化学染色
B. 染色体核型分析
C. 骨髓病理组织学检查
D. 分子生物学检查
E. 免疫学检查
A3/A4型题男,48岁。呕血5小时入院。查体:P120次/分,BP80/55mmHg。神智不清,营养状况差。巩膜明显黄染,腹壁可见静脉曲张,肝肋下可触及,质地较硬,边缘较钝,脾肋下6cm,移动性浊音阳性,肠鸣音弱。 首选的检查是
A. 腹部X线片
B. 腹部B型超声
C. 上消化道钡餐造影
D. 腹腔动脉造影
E. 腹部CT
What kind of commentary is provided for the tourists on the Yellow Route?A fun()commentary.
One advantage of traveling by bus is that you can()
A. book a comfortable seat
B. buy your ticket in advance
C. transfer to the subway freely
D. see different areas of Manhattan
To ask for a stop while riding a bus, you may()
A. raise your hand
B. move toward the front door
C. press the black band near the windows
D. turn off the "Stop Requested" light immediately