



A. 发生3人以上、10人以下死亡
B. 中毒(重伤)50人以下
C. 造成跨地(市)级行政区域纠纷
D. 造成跨县(市)级行政区域纠纷
E. 3类放射源丢失、被盗或失控


A. 肯定社区居民的能力,增强其信心
B. 告诉社区居民将由另外的社会工作者继续服务
C. 向居民承诺随时保持联系
D. 直接离开

Examine the following impdp command to import a database over the network from a pre-12c Oracledatabase (source): Which three are prerequisites for successful execution of the command?()

A. The import operation must be performed by a user on the target database with the DATAPUMP_IMP_FULL_DATABASE role, and the database link must connect to a user on the source database with the DATAPUMP_EXD_FULL_DATABASE role.
B. All the user-defined tablespaces must be in read-only mode on the source database.
C. The export dump file must be created before starting the import on the target database.
D. The source and target database must be running on the same platform with the same endianness.
E. The path of data files on the target database must be the same as that on the source database.
F. The impdp operation must be performed by the same user that performed the expdp operation.
