A. 水饮凌心型
B. 痰火扰心型
C. 心血不足型
D. 心阳不振型
E. 阴虚火旺型
After a collision or accident involving an uninspected vessel,regulations require that the operator assist persons affected,but only if the operator can do so without().
A. further damaging the other vessel
B. undue delay
C. serious danger to his or her own vessel
D. creating a panic on either vessel
A. 尿道海绵体
B. 精囊腺
C. 阴茎海绵体
D. 尿道球腺
E. 盆膈
A. 国家划拨的资产
B. 按规定组织收入形成的资产
C. 接受捐赠的资产
D. 其他经法律确认的资产