A. 适龄儿童及时接种含麻疹成分的疫苗
B. 未接种麻疹疫苗的儿童及时补种
C. 经常开窗通气,流行季节尽量不去人多的地方
D. 做好传染源隔离和密接者接种工作
E. 根据人群免疫现状及疾病发病特点,在麻疹流行或暴发地区有计划的组织开展强化免疫活动
Consider the Mysql Enterprise Audit plugin. A CSV file called data.csv has 100 rows of data. The stored procedure prepare_db ( ) has 10 auditable statements. You run the following statements in the mydb database: Mysql> CALL prepare_db ( ); Mysql> LOAD DATA INFILE '/tmp/data.cav' INTO TABLE mytable; Mysql> SHOW TABLES; How many events are added to the audit log as a result of the preceding statements?()
A. 12; only top-level statements and stored procedure events are logged
B. 111; top-level statements and all lower-level statements are logged
C. 3; only the top-level statements are logged
D. 102; top-level statements are logged, but LOAD DATA INFILE is logged as a separate event