All living organisms, regardless of their unique identity, have certain biological, chemical, and physical characteristics in common.()
A. as a result of
B. considering
C. cognizant of(conscious of, aware of)
D. whatever
A. 项目立项文件
B. 检验批、分项工程质量验收资料
C. 建设用地、征地、 拆迁文件
D. 勘察、测绘、设计文件
E. 招投标文件
With lasers scientists can probe many physical processes, such as combustion, once beyond our ken.视野()
A. understanding
B. responsibility
C. interpretation
D. notice
A. 承载性
B. 实体性
C. 还原性
D. 中介性
Food must be moist in order to have a taste.()
A. appetizing(delicious)
B. nutritious
C. damp
D. chewed