

A. 2010年有大批网络公司倒闭,极可能是因为计划中的资金不足以及过量的广告和营销花费
B. 2010年多数网络商务企业出现亏损,严重影响了资金的充分利用和广告营销的合理开支
C. 2010年大批电子商务企业破产,主要是由于商务规划不周密以及广告和营销开支过多
D. 2010年大批公司的电子商务部门都有银行债务,大大导致了预算资金不足以及广告和营销费用短缺。


局域网设计 ________

局域网维修 ________

用下列词组的适当形式填空,完成句子:1The old man _______havingarguments all the time with his wife.2 "You really can't imagine what I have gone through," Mary said, ________ her tears.3 ___________ growing up in primitive societies, growing up in today's world is in some ways harder.4 When I first ________ teaching in this small town, I felt very awkward, for my neighbors wanted to know everything about me.5 The boys ____________ to meet the football star.6 Tom rushed into the room when Jane and I were ________ a conversation.7 It's true that his father is a world-famous movie star, but Jack became famous _______.8 We didn't plan it like that but it _______ very well.9 At first he found it extremely hard to ________ his colleagues at the new company.

患儿,6月咳喘3天入院,下午突然喘憋加重,口唇发绀,鼻翼扇动。查体:呼吸80次/分,三凹征阳性,两肺闻及广泛哮鸣音,右肺底闻及少许小水泡音,血白细胞4、0×10 9/L,淋巴细胞60%,胸部正位片:少量点片状影及肺气肿。最可能的诊断是

A. 腺病毒肺炎
B. 肺炎球菌肺炎
C. 合胞病毒肺炎
D. 金葡菌肺炎
E. 哮喘性支气管炎
