A. 9000美元(不含)
B. 9000美元(含)
C. 15000美元(不含)
D. 15000美元(含)
保险公司开办分红保险产品,应当将产品说明书报中国保监会备案。分红保险产品的产品说明书内容应当包含风险提示、产品基本特征、红利及红利分配、利益演示、犹豫期及退保等事项。 以下有关红利及红利分配的事项中必须包含的内容是():①说明产品的红利来源,包含死差、费差、利差等,并作出简要解释;②说明产品红利的分配方式,属于现金红利还是增额红利,是否具有终了红利,并作出简要解释;③说明红利实现方式,包括直接领取,抵缴保险费、累积生息或者其他方式;④说明红利分配政策以及确定保单红利水平的影响因素。
A. ①③④
B. ①④
C. ②③④
D. ①②③④
A. 6个
B. 5个
C. 2个
D. 4个
Which effect does speed through the water have on a vessel which is underway in shallow water ().
A decrease in the speed results in a decrease in steering response and maneuverability
B. An increase in speed results in the stern sucking down lower than the Bow
C. An increase in speed results in the vessel rising on an even plane
D. A decrease in speed results in the vessel sucking down on an even plane