A. 外购的固定资产,以购买价款和支付的相关税费以及直接归属于使该资产达到预定用途发生的其他支出为计税基础
B. 自行建造的固定资产,以竣工结算前发生的支出为计税基础
C. 盘盈的固定资产,以同类固定资产的历史成本为计税基础
D. 通过捐赠、投资、非货币性资产交换、债务重组等方式取得的固定资产,以该资产的公允价值和支付的相关税费为计税基础
A. 正确
B. 错误
A. 正确
B. 错误
When lowering manropes alongside a stage rigged over the side of a vessel,they should be allowed to trail in the water().
A. to easily remove the kinks that form in the lines
B. to allow the seamen on the stage to know the direction and strength of the current
C. to provide the seaman something to hold onto if he or she falls from the stage into the water
D. only for short periods of time since they will become waterlogged and be very heavy to pull u
A. 管权
B. 管事
C. 管人
D. 管权管事管人