Cross curves of stability show which of the following().
A. The righting arms at various angles of inclination and displacement
B. The metacentric height at large angles of heel
C. The height of the center of buoyancy at various angles
D. The metacentric radius at various displacement
A. 包煎
B. 先煎
C. 后下
D. 另煎
E. 冲服
A. 冲任血虚,血海不能按时满溢
B. 精血亏少,冲任不足,血海不能按时满溢
C. 血为寒凝,冲任滞涩,血海不能如期满溢
D. 阳虚脏寒,气化不行,血海不能如期满溢
E. 气机不畅,血为气滞,血海不能如期满溢